Ebenezer Primitive Baptist Church
Highway 55, Westover Alabama,
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Audio Sermons
Coming to Thessalonica
The Imprisonment of Paul and Silas
Acts 16: Journeys After Controversy
The Council of Jerusalem
Acts 15: The False Teachers
The Stoning of Paul
Paul at Iconium
We Turn to the Gentiles
Paul’s Message to the Gentiles
Saul and Barnabas
Attitude | Steve Milner
Herod Agrippa’s Persecution
After Cornelius’ Conversion
The Conversion of Cornelius
Acts 9: After Saul
The Salvation of Saul
Walking and Following | Steve Milner
Philip’s Two Encounters: Simon and the Eunuch
The Preaching of Stephen and Philip
Preaching Through Persecution
Compassion, Hypocrisy, Persecution
The Stone the Builders Rejected
Repent, and be Converted
The Lame Man Healed
The Ingathering At Pentecost
Jesus: Both Lord and Christ
The Day of Pentecost
Judas and Matthias
A Cloud of Witnesses | Acts 1:9-14
Introduction to Acts
Rightly Dividing Salvation | Steve Milner
Barry Cordes | Sunday Morning
Steve Milner | Sunday Morning
That Day | Philip Dukes
Revival | John Burkett
The Pattern for our Churches | Ben Winslett
It is Accomplished | David Wise
Evil Is Present With Me
Ye Are Come Unto Mount Zion
Eden, from Ezekiel 47
Something Better | Steve Milner
Seeking a Sign
Judge Yourselves | Steve Milner
David’s Sin and God’s Grace
Charity | Steve Milner
Grievous Wolves
The Seven Day Sabbath, the Seven Year Sabbath, and the Year of Jubilee
Called According to His Purpose
The Armor of God, Part 3
The Armor of God, Part 2
Abide In Me | John 15 | Steve Milner
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