Ebenezer Primitive Baptist Church
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PB Churches

Oak Grove Primitive Baptist Church OakGrove, Alabama

Zion Rest Primtive Baptist Church Jasper, Alabama

Flint River Primitive Baptist Church Huntsville, Alabama

Bethlehem Primitive Baptist Church Echola, Alabama

Gum Pond Primitive Baptist Church Eva, Alabama

Vestavia Primitve Baptist Church Vestavia, Alabama


March To Zion A growing Primitive Baptist website featuring articles, poems, hymns, sermons, history, doctrine, and practices of the Christian church.

Sovereign Grace Publications Provides Realaudio sermons and theological essays.

Basic Bible Doctrines *Free E-books*

In the Master's Service
A Primitive Baptist Publication

Primitive Baptist Online Primitive Baptist website containing a forum, articles of writers from history, church directory, photo archive, etc.

Primitive Baptist Web Station A collection of links to other Primitive Baptist web sites and information.

Primitive Baptists Web site of Elder Harold Hunt. Order books, booklets, and many other reading materials here.

Radio Broadcasts

Words of Grace Broadcast Radio ministry of Flint River Primitive Baptist Church, Huntsville Alabama.

About Us
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Our pastor
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"...Come and see..."
John 1:39

Ebenezer PBC 2007
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